What is Energy Star?
Moving forward, we will be bringing you a new series every first Wednesday of the month! Mamaw Love of the Love the Green Team will join us each month to discuss what you can do as a homeowner or renter in any house to make it more energy efficient and sustainable.
This month, Love covered the basics – she walked us through what Energy Star is, building the foundation for future episodes. Energy Star, Love says, s\is a government program designed to have third-party companies ensure that all items they produce are as energy efficient as possible, at least 10% more efficient than required by code. Energy Star started out by certifying appliances and other electronics and began certifying homes in 1995. Now, they are one of the most widely recognized consumer brands in the United States, with over 90% recognition from homeowners.
Be sure to tune in on the first Wednesday of every month to hear more from Love on what you can do to help your home run as efficiently as possible!