Asheville Market Value

How to Determine Asheville Market Value? While many homeowners have a general idea of what they think their home is worth, that number may or may not be accurate.  In reality, the value of a home is based upon far more than personal attachment and gut feeling. In this episode of Whiteboard Wednesdays, we’ll take … Continued

How To File An Eviction In Asheville

How To File An Eviction In Asheville It’s never fun to file an eviction in Asheville – there’s usually been a breakdown in communication between landlord and tenant, and emotions can run high.  The tenant often doesn’t wish to leave, and, in most cases, the landlord would have preferred to avoid the eviction as well. … Continued

Marketable Title vs Insurable Title

Marketable Title vs Insurable Title In the previous episode of Whiteboard Wednesdays, we discussed the concept of a title search and how it can benefit both buyers and sellers.  This episode, we take a look at marketable title vs insurable title, and how a potential buyer should look at each. A marketable title is, in … Continued

What is a title search?

What is a title search? When it comes to buying or selling a home, arguably the most important aspect is the title search.  Without it, accurately determining ownership and the financial state of the property becomes next to impossible.  So how can you, as either the buyer or the seller of the home, ensure that … Continued

Earnest Money vs Due Diligence Fee

Earnest Money vs Due Diligence Fee In this episode of Whiteboard Wednesdays, we’ll compare two commonly confused elements of real estate sales: Earnest Money vs Due Diligence Fee.  What does each of these terms mean? How are they similar, and how are they different? To find out, read on! Earnest money deposits and due diligence … Continued

What is due diligence?

What is due diligence?  Welcome back to Whiteboard Wednesdays!  In our second episode, we will explore one of the terms from our first episode in greater depth.  The last episode, we introduced the concept of due diligence, today we answer the question: What is due diligence? This is the period of time after a house … Continued

Real Estate Acronyms

Real Estate Acronyms  In this ongoing, weekly series of videos, we’ll explore a variety of topics in real estate, ranging from industry jargon and key terms to tenant screening and negotiation.  This week, we kicked off our series with an exploration of common real estate acronyms that are often used by industry professionals, but which … Continued

Thinking About Installing Asheville Solar Panels??? — What You Need To Know With Solfarm Solar Co

Solfarm Write-Up In Asheville, environment and economy go hand in hand.  For Mike Diethelm, that combination makes solid business sense as well.  Diethelm is the President and Founder of Solfarm Solar Co., which specializes in the design and installation of solar systems for residential and commercial properties in the Asheville area.  His business was borne … Continued
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