Sell in As-Is Condition

Sell In As-Is Condition As anyone who’s worked in the business can attest to, the real estate industry loves its abbreviations and lingo.  From CMAs to PMI, piggyback loans to short sales, the language of real estate can be confusing – even to those of us who deal with it every day!  Every once in … Continued

I Want To Sell My Real Estate Note In Asheville

“I want to sell my real estate note in Asheville North Carolina…Where do I start?” Holding a real estate note, private mortgage note, private promissory note or other paper real estate asset in North Carolina can sometimes be a challenging proposition: They don’t always offer the highest returns, you collect your cash over a period … Continued

We Buy Houses For Cash In Asheville – See How It Works

Every situation is different… regardless of the reason why you might need to sell your Asheville house fast we can help. It may be that you’re moving, or it may be that you are working through some tough moment; going through a divorce, bankruptcy, you’ve lost your job… or any other reason that has pushed you to the point of thinking … Continued

Inherited property in Asheville? Should I rent or sell in Asheville?

First, we’re so sorry for your loss. This can be a very challenging time for many reasons, and dealing with property ownership is tough at the best of times. You’re thinking, “Inherited property in Asheville?  ” Should I rent it? Should I sell it?  How should I sell it? Tons of options open for you, … Continued

What is a Pre-Foreclosure Asheville?

With millions of homes across the country going into foreclosure, it’s important for both buyers and mortgage holders to understand the process. So what is a Pre-Foreclosure Asheville anyway? Pre-Foreclosure Asheville is starts when a home owner falls behind on their mortgage payments. Falling behind can occur for a variety of reasons, many times external circumstances, emergencies, … Continued

Selling Your Home During a Divorce in Asheville

If you’re wondering about the ins and outs of selling your home during a divorce in Asheville NC… we’ll dive into the steps and things to look out for in this article. With over 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, many Asheville NC residents are looking or advice for selling a home during a divorce. … Continued
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